Minority threatens protest over planned recruitment of 11K persons into security agencies.


The government’s intention to hire some 11,000 people for the nation’s security agencies has drawn criticism from the Minority Caucus in Parliament.

The recruitment process is not clear, according to the caucus. If the government doesn’t change its course, Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah, the deputy minority leader, issued a dire warning that there will be a massive protest.

In order to give all eligible Ghanaians an equal chance to apply, he has therefore called on the Minister of Interior to halt the current process and adhere to standard procedure.

James Agalga, the Deputy Ranking Member on Parliament’s Defense and Interior Committee, has stated that the attempt to hire from a purported backlog is discriminatory and illegal.

Mr. Agalga charged that the Minister was trying to enlist NPP supporters in the security services.

“If they really want to recruit, we expect them to advertise. The publication in this newspaper does not amount to an advert because an advertisement must contain a clear-cut eligibility criterion. What is your height, age, your health status etc. are usually contained in an advert for recruitment. This is not an advert for recruitment”.


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