PHUP: Mr. Ndede Kojo writes on the ‘devasting’ nature of the Petroleum Hub Project in the Jomoro Municipal.


I urge you, Honorable members, to prevent this individual from deceiving us.

We are gravely concerned about this matter.

PHUP Corporation is obligated to disclose information from the Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) report in Nzema, particularly in the affected communities.

What is the reason behind their failure to do so?

What hurdles are hindering them from fulfilling this requirement?

Without transparency, why have they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)?

Is the MOU between the Hub Corporation and the landowners, with Awulae representing the landowners?

What specific commitments has he made on behalf of the people?

Don’t the affected communities have the right to access the contents of the signed MOU?

What is preventing PHUP Corporation from publishing this information?

Furthermore, we request clarity on the financial capabilities of the companies forming the consortium:

  • What is the extent of UIC Energy Ghana’s financial commitment to this project?
  • What is the extent of Touchstone Capital Group Holdings’ financial commitment to this project?
  • Are they providing funding or merely facilitating the process?
  • Can they share the signed MOU with us?
  • We seek precise information on the financial strength and contributions of each company involved.

Finally, can PHUP Corporation explain why they are rushing to organize press conferences instead of ESA report dissemination in Municipal as done in Accra last year?

Press conferences for what?

Why can’t they engage the affected communities with the SEA report and brief them on the risks associated with this project?

The Petroleum Hub Development Project will bring social vices that may arise, such as the loss of farm lands, restrictions in farming activities in the enclave due to oil refineries and petrol chemicals storage facilities (tanks).

Who is trying to deceive himself and the general public (Affected Communities and Jomoro Municipalities)?

A day is coming when we will expose whoever is behind the land grabbing.

This project is 100% sure to be established in Jomoro, but not in a crooked way.

When our fathers were farming, their fathers were chasing women and finishing in the sea and rivers.

Why now do you want to come and take what we pride ourselves with?

Until the right thing is done for the masses in the enclave, we will not be quiet.

No amount of intimidation, press conferences, and threats will stop some of us.

Because both father’s and mother’s families’ lovely hood depends on the said land size 20,000 acres.

Therefore, we cannot afford to lose all at a time.

Don’t you know that land appreciates with time?

We cannot accept the Achimota sinister in Nzema Jomoro.

{Kabenla-Suazo – (Boka-akole, Asempaye), Nawule, Ndum-suazo, Bonyere, Ekgazo, Takinta, Alowule – (Nyamelen Kwame), Tikobo No.1, and Nuba.}

We are prepared to negotiate with whoever is responsible for this project but not with a third party.

We careless with your chieftaincy disputes and political misunderstanding.

What is due to us must be given, such as:

  • Adequate and fair compensation
  • Employment quota
  • Generational compensation
  • Land use equity in the project as recommended by SEA report.


We will not sit down for you to take our land for free in the name of the Petroleum Hub Development Project (PHUP)

Please, the authority must accept the SEA report and implement it to the letter and shall cooperate fully for the project implementation.

My Name is Ndede Kojo (0244054086)

Member, PHUP Affected Communities

Summary Demands:

  1. Transparency and access to information
  2. Adequate and fair compensation
  3. Employment quota
  4. Generational compensation
  5. Land use equity in the project
  6. Implementation of the SEA report recommendations


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