Dr. UN denies having a hand in Chef Smith’s fake Guinness World Record award.


Dr. UN, also known as Kwame Owusu Fordjour, has made it clear that he was not involved in the award given to Chef Smith, who claimed to have broken the cook-a-thon record.

Dr. UN said that he did not plan any award programs to recognize people in various disciplines from 2023 to 2024.

He emphasised that neither he nor the members of his management team were aware of the fake cook-a-thon Guinness World Records (GWR) awards that Chef Smith had given, misleading the people of Ghana.

Dr. UN stated in an interview that he was not involved with the award and asked people who were associating him with it to walk away. 

“I have not given any awards. All my activities are disclosed on my social media channels, so I have not awarded Chef Smith any accolades. 

My management is oblivious to such matters, and I have not presented any awards this year or the previous one,” he said in Twi.

This declaration comes after Chef Smith made a fraudulent claim to have been acknowledged by Guinness World Records as the person with the longest cooking marathon.

Chef Smith said on July 2, 2024, that he had broken the previous record with an 802 hour and 25 minute cooking marathon.

At a news conference, he said this while holding up a certificate purportedly from Guinness World Records.

But GWR has claimed that the certificate is phoney, which has angered the people and caused much disappointment.


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