CETAG calls for a swift implementation of awards amid strike


The Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) has reiterated its decision not to end their strike until their arbitrary awards are implemented.

In an interview on Joy FM’s Newsnite, Fedelis Kamai, a member of CETAG’s Communications Directorate said although members are unhappy about forfeiting their salaries for July and August, they believe “the sacrifice is worth it.”

He insisted that the stance of their employers does not indicate readiness to implement these awards.

When asked about the National Labour Commission (NLC) compelling the government to meet two of the three demands, Kamai replied negatively, suggesting this was a tactic to pressure CETAG into calling off the strike.

“The NLC has gone to court twice, but the government or the employer has never set foot in the court. So what are they telling us? They have not gone to court to prove that they are indeed implementing our awards,” Kamai stated.

“They just come to the media and throw information about as if they are doing something about it, but in reality, it is not the case.”

Addressing concerns about students suggesting a temporary closure of schools until the issue is resolved, Kamai said CETAG does not support school closures. However, they are prepared to resume work immediately their demands are met.

On June 14, teachers in various colleges of education laid down their tools to demand better working conditions and remuneration packages.

This action was a response to the association says is government’s delay in implementing the National Labour Commission’s (NLC) Arbitral Award Orders and negotiated service conditions.

The demands by CETAG include the payment of one month’s salary to each member for additional duties performed in 2022, and the application of agreed rates of allowances payable to public universities to deserving CETAG members.

After weeks of negotiations, CETAG says it has reached an agreement with their employers; however, the government has failed to sign the agreement.


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