Awulae Blay IX Begins Investing In Nzema Youth By Taking Students on an Educational Trip. (Video)

Students numbering about thirty from the Atuabo Methodist Basic School in the Ellembelle District of the Western Region have had the opportunity to be part of the Awulae Blay IX initiative of investing in Nzema Youth.

The Paramount Chief of the Eastern Nzema Traditional Council, Awulae Blag IX invited these Basic Nine (Form 3) students who were led by their facilitator, Mr. Isaac Frimpong Jnr for that wonderful educational trip.

Mr. Frimpong asserted that they were given a special invite by Awulae Blay IX to embark on such an amazing trip at no cost.

”It’s an opportunity given to us for free. We didn’t pay anything “. Mr. Frimpong said

Fort Orange, Sekondi, the Sekondi Naval Base, Regional Council, Bisa Aberwa Mesuem and Takoradi Harbor were some places they visited.

Bisa Aberwa and Sekondi Naval Base
Fort Orange, Sekondi

When asked about the purpose for such, he mentioned the educational implications that students will be able to obtain in areas such as social studies.

Watch the full video below by clicking on the link.

Video Credit: Nzema Eye TV

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