HomeSportsNEWS IN NZEMA: Division Two outfits Zico Professionals acquires new Bus

NEWS IN NZEMA: Division Two outfits Zico Professionals acquires new Bus

Western Regional Football Association division two Zone II Group 3 outfits, Zico Professionals have acquired a new bus through it’s Bankroller, Nana Tufuhene Francis Ndede Siah, can confirm.

The brand new 27-seater coastal bus will aid the team’s preparations towards the upcoming Supper Middle League.

Dubbed the “Money Boys”, Zico Professionals are currently sitting at the apex of the Jomoro Division Two League with 23 points, a ten points lead ahead of King Bobo FC with three games to end the season.

A picture sighted by your most authoritative website indicates the bus which has been procured has been branded with the team’s colours.

The bus will be officially handed over to the “Do or Die” in the coming days.

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